Category Archives: Grillng Tips

Grilling Tips For Steak

Grilling steak is one of the most challenging cooking skills to master. If you want to make your next barbecue a success, you need to take some time and learn how to do it right! Achieving a nice sear on a steak is largely about timing and geometry. Using two different temperatures on your grill…

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Steak Cooking Techniques

If you’ve been grilling steaks for a while, you probably have a favorite technique for cooking them. Perhaps you start them on a hot grill and then move them to the oven for a gentle finish. This is a classic steak method that works for many different cuts of meat, especially thinner ones like flank…

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Best Steak Cuts For Grilling

If you want to cook a tender, juicy grilled steak, you need to get the right cut of meat. There are plenty of good cuts to choose from. The best steaks for grilling have a high level of marbling, which makes the meat more tender. The USDA beef grading system helps you find these types…

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Steak Grilling Times

Knowing the right grilling time for your steak can improve the taste and texture of your next barbecue. However, it is important to note that cooking times for steak will vary depending on the cut of meat, thickness, and preferred doneness level. A good rule of thumb is to cook a medium-rare steak for 3-4…

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Steak Marinade Recipes

Using marinades before grilling beef can add an extra layer of flavor and tenderness to your steaks. It’s an inexpensive way to enhance your food and turn it into a meal everyone will love. A marinade is typically a combination of salt, oil, herbs and spices, and an acid (like vinegar or lemon juice). All…

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Steak Seasoning Ideas

Spices and herbs are an excellent way to add flavor to steak. These can be as simple as a sprinkle of rosemary or thyme, or they can add a whole new dimension to your cooking. For the best results, season your steak right before you grill it. This will help ensure that the spices stick…

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Charcoal Grilling Vs Gas Grilling Steak

There are many people who love the idea of cooking steak on a grill. They may wonder if it is better to use charcoal or gas. Ultimately, this will depend on what you want to achieve. For example, if you prefer a high temperature and a lot of sear marks on your meat, then you’ll…

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How to Check Steak For Doneness

Many home cooks and professional chefs struggle to cook steaks to the perfect doneness. Luckily, a little hack can help you check if your steak is done cooking. The palm test, also called the finger test, is a common method to tell steak doneness. Simply touch the fleshy part of your palm right below your…

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Resting Your Steak After Grilling

After grilling your steak, you’ll want to rest it. This will ensure that it remains juicy and tender, while also improving its taste and texture. When a steak is cooked, its muscle fibers constrict, pushing juices and other moisture to the center of the meat. This moisture collects there, then leaks out when you slice…

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Using a Meat Thermometer to Find the Ideal Steak Cooking Temperature

A steak’s cooking temperature determines its tenderness, taste and texture. The ideal cooking temperature depends on your personal preference. There are three cooking temperatures a steak should reach to achieve the ideal doneness: rare, medium-rare and medium. If you’re unsure of your steak’s cooking temperature, use a meat thermometer. Ideal Temperature A steak’s ideal cooking…

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