Grilling Steak – Using a Steak Temperature Chart
Having the right temperature at the right time is crucial when grilling steak. Whether you’re a newbie or an expert chef, having a good steak temperature chart will save you a lot of frustration.
You can use a meat thermometer to check your steak’s temperature, but if you don’t have one, we recommend investing in a good instant read one.
Well Done
Grilling steak is a great way to cook a juicy, flavorful meal. However, it is important to know the correct temperature when grilling steak to ensure that you are cooking it properly.
Steaks should be cooked to an internal temperature of 145 degrees F to be considered safe for human consumption. To reach this temperature, you should insert a meat thermometer into the thickest part of the steak, away from any bone or fat.
If you’re unsure what the exact steak temperature is, there are a few different ways to check the temperature of the steak. You can use a meat thermometer, or you can use a simple touch test.
When you touch the center of the steak with your finger, it should be soft and squishy. If it is not soft, it is too rare and should be removed from the heat source.
You can also use tongs to prod the meat gently. If the steak is firm but springy, it’s medium-rare. If it is softer but not springy, it’s well done.
Achieving the right steak temperature is a skill that takes practice and experience. There are many things that affect the cooking process, including the weight of the meat, the grilling method, and the temperature of the grill.
As a rule, you should cook a steak between 2 minutes for rare, 4 minutes for medium and 5-6 minutes for well done on each side. For a thin steak, you may need to cook it for an extra minute or two on each side to get it to the desired temperature.
Once the steak has reached the desired temperature, it’s time to remove it from the grill and let it rest for a few minutes before serving. This will allow the juices to circulate and help your steak to stay juicier.
Once the steak has cooled, it is also a good idea to slice it against the grain. This will ensure that the steak will be evenly sliced and will avoid any uneven portions.
Medium Rare
While there are many degrees of doneness for steak, medium rare is a perfect balance between tender, juiciness and flavor. You can achieve this by using a meat thermometer to ensure the correct temperature, which is between 135°F and 145°F for medium-rare.
First, remove your steaks from the refrigerator and let them come to room temperature before grilling. This helps ensure even cooking and prevents flare-ups. Then, coat the grill grates with a neutral-flavored oil, such as vegetable or canola oil.
When the grill is hot, place steaks on the hot side of the grill for 3-4 minutes to sear. Turn and cook another 3-4 minutes on the other side.
After the sear, move steaks to a lower-heat area of the grill set between 275-325 degrees to continue cooking to medium rare. This can take 5-10 minutes on each side for thin steaks and 15-20 minutes for thicker cuts.
The most accurate way to check the internal temperature of your steak is by using a digital instant read thermometer in the thickest part of the steak. Generally, the steak should be removed from the grill when the thermometer reads 130°F for medium-rare or 140°F for medium.
For the best results, use a thermometer that has an accuracy of +-0.7degF and is fast to update. Unlike other thermometers that take 10+ seconds to update, these devices show the gradient in real time and are the best way to get an accurate reading. To determine the thermal center temperature of your steak, insert the probe into a few different areas on the steak, and then pull it back. You should be able to feel the meat give a little in the middle, but it should bounce right back.
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